كيب تاون-جنوب إفريقيا(بانا)- تستضيف كيب تاون، في جنوب إفريقيا، أعمال الطبعة الثلاثين من المؤتمر الإفريقي للاستثمار في الطاقة ...
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has appointed Coumba D ...
The UN Security Council have welcomed the agreement reached between Libyan actors on the Central Bank of Libya (CBL) crisis and its endorsement by the House of Representatives and High State Council a ...
Five trailblazing women – a nun, an activist, a social entrepreneur, a volunteer aid worker, and an advocate for ending statelessness – have been named the winners of this year’s UNHCR Nansen Ref ...
Around one in seven children and adolescents aged 10 to 19 are affected by mental health conditions – with anxiety, depression and behavioural disorders among the most common, according to a new World ...
تونس العاصمة-تونس(بانا)-أكدت الهيئة العليا لمراقبة الانتخابات والمنازعات الانتخابية بالمحكمة الدولية الدائمة للتحكيم، اليوم ...
Our “collective amnesia” about how bad the COVID-19 pandemic was should not prevent us from protecting ourselves and our loved ones from the ongoing spread of respiratory diseases as the northern h ...
Harare, Zimbabwe (PANA) - Le Conseil des administrateurs du Groupe de la Banque mondiale a approuvé la nouvelle Note d\'engagement pays (CEN) pour le Zimbabwe (2025-2026), axée sur le soutien aux prio ...
Tânger, Marrocos (PANA) - A saúde dos oceanos é fundamental para a estabilidade climática global,  a conservação da biodiversidade, a segurança alimentar e o futuro do ser humano, defendeu esta terça- ...
The Deputy Special Representative for Political Affairs and Acting Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Stephanie Khoury, will on Wednesday present her regular briefing to the ...
لومي-التوغو(بانا)- وافق مجلس إدارة مصرف الاستثمار والتنمية التابع للمجموعة الاقتصادية لدول غرب إفريقيا (إكواس) على استثمارات ت ...
Cape Town, South Africa (PANA) –The 30th edition of the Investing in African Energy Conference is underway in Cape Town ...